Monday, June 22, 2020

Your Sentinel Today June 22, 2020

This was the gate for NAS Agana Guam, where I lived off and on for 15 months.

The Sentinel

All the news that's fit to print and some that's not.


I got my hair cut today and it's always the same thing, hair today gone tomorrow.

Back in my navy days, when our classes in Hawaii ended, it was here today, Guam tomorrow. We were all sent to Guam to later deploy to the Philippines so we could fly from there to provide overnight radar coverage for the seventh fleet off the coast of Vietnam.

Did you ever notice that when you are looking for something it is always the last place you look for it?


I have had quite a few of them in my lifetime. I lived an idyllic life as a teenager, had a job, a car and several girlfriends. The tribulations began when I enlisted in the navy. There were many, too many to go through in this column, but I adapted and lived through them. After the navy there were a host of them to follow. The worst of all happened in October of 2017 when Joyce had an aneurysm that burst in her brain. The first day the emergency room doctor told me she would not live through the night, just after the team had brought her back from the dead during that afternoon. If there's anything worse than hearing that, I have yet to experience it. She was in hospitals until January 2, 2018. Most of the time it was hit or miss every day. I never knew what would happen. One night after I was home I got a call that she was unconscious and moved to another hospital. I got through that after spending all night long with another doctor. Later in the ICU the doctors told me she might die again and they would only know 4 days later. Those were the longest, worry-filled days of my life. She did survive and we are together relishing every day we have.

Climate Change

I cannot speak for the world, but I can say our climate here has changed in the last 4 years. We have had mild winters with very little snow and ice. I can say that I do not long for colder weather, but a cooler climate in winter is necessary. It kills a lot of bugs and flies, which are a menace to me. While I can deal with warmer winters, if this continues the USA will be under water in our eastern and western coastal states. The navy has had to spend many dollars to raise docks in Virginia and will lose bases in Florida if sea levels continue to rise. Let's face it, we need our navy as much as any service as long as we continue on the path we are currently on to maintain our presence in the world and even fight a few more un-necessary wars that cost us in dollars and prestige around the world. If we do nothing at this point the New York stock exchange (the center of the world's financial process) will be under water in a few years. I cannot imagine what that will do to the entire world.

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