Friday, June 26, 2020

Your Sentinel Heroes for Today 200626

The Sentinel

All the news that's fit to print and some that's not.


As soon as you hear that word you probably think of soldiers and you should. Today I want to mention another group of heroic people and they are doctors and nurses that are currently risking their lives every day they report for work in hospitals and offices. They, like soldiers go into their battle areas often without the supplies they need, but they go anyway to serve and do their duty regardless of the risk they take every moment they are in the fray. Doctors are like junior officers, directing the field operations, yet still in the situation. Nurses, like enlisted soldiers are the ones who take directions and carry them out in the best manner they are able to function.

More Heroes

I need to also credit emergency medical technicians that are the tip of the spear in healthcare with just as much danger in every situation. Police have a dangerous job to do, made more dangerous by those who do not do their jobs properly.By and large they are good people but the few who aren't make life more difficult for those who are good. When a policeman stops a vehicle he/she never knows what will be encountered. That means potentially risking live and limb with every stop.


This post would not be complete without mentioning one more thing. There is a man, Christopher Hitchens a well educated man who believes only in science with no God in the mix. His name popped up on You Tube so I clicked a link to see who he was. He makes a good case and has been welcomed on many shows, including Fox News. I enjoyed hearing him, but I still am a believer in God. I think it is good to see both sides of the coin.

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