Friday, June 5, 2020

Your Sentinel News for June 5, 2020, History of an Eve of Destruction

The picture below is a C-47 like the ones that dropped parachutists into Normandy on June 5th 1944.

      We are on the historical eve of one of the greatest invasions ever recorded in history, June 6, 1944 when the allies invaded the beaches of Normandy. There were 6000 ships arriving on those beaches. There were 2,501 American soldiers that died that day. 2 U.S. airborne divisions (the 82nd and the 101st division) landed in the middle of this night prior to the invasion at dawn of the 6th. They were dropped from C-47 aircraft over Normandy. The anti-aircraft flack from German gunners was so heavy that American pilots dropped paratroops in zones far away from where they were supposed to be, but pilots did not want any more flack to hit them so they made some mistakes that cost lives. The airborne divisions did their jobs though and saved many lives on the 6th day of June. I write this to honor those brave men of the 82nd and 101st. The quote below was made by Winston Churchill in 1940, but it applies to the 2 American airborne divisions mentioned above.


      The army that landed on Omaha beach in Normandy landed in the middle of a slaughter house, but they persisted and got the job done despite the madness and casualties that could give any man a mental breakdown.

      The American soldier, sailor, air force and marine equals any other military forces in the world. Without their sacrifices we would be speaking German or Japanese today. God bless them all. In these troubled times of today they have a tough job to do and they do it to the best of their ability. Next time you see a military man in uniform tell them thanks, they deserve it. If you see some old codger with a cane or walker or scooter with a military ball cap, tell him thanks for what you have today. They earned it.

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