Saturday, June 27, 2020

Your Sentinel 200627

The Sentinel

All the news that's fit to print and some that's not.

New Cell Phone

One thing I forgot was how much time and effort it takes to start over again and set things up properly on a new phone. My other phone was activated at the phone store for me, this one I had to do by myself. It tickled me with the operation. I am a human being, at least I think so, but there I was talking to a robot at someplace that I have no idea where it is and I am trying to get the activation robot to talk with the robot I had in my hand. The whole thing was surreal. Does anyone else remember the old days when you called AT&T, and then a guy came to your house, plugged a phone into the wall socket, left and all you had to do was pick up the receiver and use a circular mechanical ring to call someone?

The new phone is for a backup and a means to be able to call Joyce when I need to do that. It is a smart phone and though it was far less than the phone I have had for over 3 years now, the cheap phone seems to be as good as the expensive one is.


I know that most people who read my posts are using Windows computers, while I do not know who they are I can see they use Windows from Microsoft. Microsoft has updates all of the time and many of them are just patches for the mistakes in their software, but that aside is not what this column is about specifically.

I remember my first navy cruise there was a young man in the air-wing outfit that even at 19 years-old had these large patches on his head where no hair would grow and that is why others called him patches. Fast forward here I am with all these patches on skin growths and places where my hair no longer grows. Now I realize what that young man went through all of his life. It's not a good thing to live with as I have found out. I can do nothing to change my appearance as he could do nothing with his. That's the way things go and there is no changing fate.


Now we have a streaming service that has high-speed and multiple channels to view. I can find all the old movies I enjoy while Joyce can watch the things she enjoys. I love movies from the late thirties and especially the world war 2 years. I cannot explain why that is, but it is what it is. I love the music from the WW-2 years that I never heard before. No explanation there either.

Mom and dad did have some records from before the war that I listened to and did not care for at all. One I remember was "The Wood-chopper's Ball" and for the life of me all I remember is the title and laughing about how dumb it sounded on an old 78 rpm recording. Many of you will not even know what a 78 rpm record was and you really do not have to know.

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