Sunday, June 7, 2020

The Sentinel News June 7, 2020, Vets, Baxter Black and S**T F**K

The Sentinel

All the news that's fit to print and some that's not.

Vets in

We all know about vets that have died in the service of our country, but what about those who are maimed and need assistance from the VA? These men and women did not give their lives, but gave up a big portion of their lives not only for today but for their future.

These guys deserve to be remembered as well as those who died. These guys need the best care the VA can give them and it is my hope that they will get what they need. If not, something is very wrong!

Baxter Black

Baxter Black is a hero to me. He is a cowboy, a poet, a philosopher and was a large animal veterinarian until retirement. This link is to his website

I have seen him on videos and read his stories and poems. Some of his wisdom is available on Twitter, this link should get you there.

I have nothing to gain from promoting him what so ever, but you may gain some wisdom and humor from the links on his web site.

S**T, F**K

The headline for this column is two words that are two of the most flexible words in the English language. While I try not to use them in any form, any more, they are used by so many these days. I single them out because they can be used as an adjective, an adverb (and we all use too many adverbs without even realizing we do it) and also the object of a sentence. It's really difficult for any other words to be used so many ways as far as I know.

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