Thursday, April 9, 2020

The Real Sentinel News for today 200409

The Sentinel

All the news that's fit to print and some that's not.

Things to do while staying at home

Read one of those books you bought and put on a shelf. Listen to old CD's you put aside when you started streaming everything. Spring cleaning? Move furniture for a different look in the living room. Find out what's at the bottom of your freezer. Practice putting for your next golf outing. Wash windows for your wife. Make a tent in the living room for the kids, they love that. My favorite-make love to your sweetheart. Talk to each other.

Republican senator Kevin Cramer

This man was interviewed yesterday by Andrew Ross Sorkin about government debt. Cramer's reply was:

Link to interview.

Today's Memory Corner

When I was just a young boy I had a great aunt that lived down near the Mississippi river. She had a goofy husband and two goofier sons my age. They lived in a four family flat that had just one cold water tap in the kitchen and a four family outhouse at the back of the yard. Saturday was bath day, in a wash tub on the kitchen floor. One tub, five people to use it when I was there. water was heated on the stove, one tea kettle at a time. The yard had chickens running around and Sunday the uncle would grab an ax and lop off the chicken's head and pluck it for supper. He never had a job, just got by hauling scrap iron to a salvage place, trapping pigeons by a school, fishing by where the city dumped its sewers into the river. I despised having to be there on some weekends.

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