Friday, April 10, 2020

The Sentinel News for Today 200410

The Sentinel

All the news that's fit to print and some that's not.

News Sources Opinion

This reporter has always searched for truth in news reporting sources. He has even kept track on Fox news for over 30 years now. They call it "fair and balanced news" while I have found it the more like "fairly unbalanced news." There are exceptions, Tucker Carlson and Chris Wallace, but they cannot drown out the likes of Laura Ingram, Sean Hanity and Jeanine Pirro. I recognize other news sources have their somewhat bias on issues, but not so as Fox news in my estimation. I could be wrong and have been before. If you don't see it that way, by all means continue on your path while I do so on mine. Most of my friends listen and love Fox news and while we disagree, we are still friends. That is what this country is about, freedom of choice. I only wished our top politicians could see that and actually discuss things with the other party instead of drawing a line in the sand that no one dares to cross.


For the first time since World War Two this country is entirely invested in a war, a war of great magnitude. There are no jungles, no desert sands, no front lines, no gorilla fighting, no seen enemy. This war we are all in is with a virus that is unseen. The largest viral particle is smaller than the smallest bacteria particle. A virus requires a host to exist whereas a bacteria can survive on its own. Viruses attach to a cell, human or animal and they reprogram the cell to make more virus until the cell bursts and dies. Viruses can and do turn cells in to malignant cells that can cause liver cancer, respiratory cancer and blood cancers. This information comes from wEBMD.

Memory Corner

My brother Rob had that million dollar personality. He always worked and when he decided to leave a job there were always people waiting to give him another job. My brother Tom and I did not have that multitude of people waiting in the wings to hire us. Very few in this world have that personality. My uncle in law Kenny did, but he was an alcoholic and that usually shut him down after a short time. He finally decided to quit looking for jobs at companies and started his own business as a roofer. His thinking was he could work two days a week roofing and that covered his drinking the other five days. He could have been a millionaire (back when that was a lot of money, but now we have billionaires.) He chose to drink instead. Grandpa drank his beer every day at a local tavern, but never to excess. One day he was in the tavern and he being a friendly man spoke to the man on the bar stool next to him. As they spoke, the man mentioned he was a marine in WW-2. Grandpa said his son-in-law was a marine then. The man asked what outfit Kenny was in? Grandpa told him and the man asked Kenny's name. Grandpa gave him the last name and the man was taken aback. He told grandpa he was an alcoholic too and the night before they invaded Saipan he scoured the ship for something to drink and found nothing, but when Kenny came back to the sleeping compartment he was drunk. He was so drunk that he went ashore that way the next morning. He said while the other marines were pinned down, Kenny was standing throwing grenades like it was practice time at camp Pendlieton in California.

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