Wednesday, April 8, 2020

The News Today Sentinel Style 200408

The Sentinel

All the news that's fit to print and some that's not.

What Happened to the Regular News?

Our staff recognizes the fact that the Covid-19 virus is a dangerous thing. At this point it dominates everything. We would like to know what else is going on every day in the rest of the world. I don't think everyone everywhere has stopped doing anything but listening to or watching the endless stream about Covid-19. What is Putin doing? What about the Chinese military? How far along are grocery stores with getting restocked? The Covid news is as much about how many people have died as anything else. One bright spot to us is how wonderful the army engineer corps is and what they can do in short order.

The Civil War

This reporter has often wondered how things would be today had the southern army and northern army fought to a stalemate? There would be the North United States and the South United States. Two countries with two governments who could be allies during wars, but autonomous in peace. Neither country could do what one country does with reckless spending and inept politicians. Without the massive power in one country perhaps the current U.S. would not try to be the world's police force. This is just a thought of course but it is something interesting to wonder about.

Memory Corner

Our staff was listening to music after the news was published yesterday when a song came on "Sitting on the dock of the bay" Our female reporter Joyce said, "I remember sitting on the dock of San Diego bay listening to Wolfman Jack while waiting for you to get off work." You was actually me of course. San Diego bay was wonderful to sit and watch the goings on back in the sixties. It had the second largest navy base in the U.S. and North Island naval air station was right there. Naval vessels were coming and going constantly, planes were landing or taking off all the time. There were still tuna boats in and out. The navy still had flying boats taking off and landing in the bay. There was rarely a dull moment. The San Diego airport was just over one's shoulder and watching planes land there was interesting because on approach to the runway they were flying lower than homes and hotels in the east side of the city area. Ah those wonderful days!

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