Tuesday, April 7, 2020

The Real Sentinel News 200407

The Sentinel

All the news that's fit to print and some that's not.

Nothing is Working!

The Covid-19 virus has everything messed up. I was online this morning trying to take care of business with my Unisys change of address and after going through all the hoops to get to where I needed to be I was transferred to that number and click the line was dead because no one was at work.

Next I went to pay my credit card and that was screwed up. It took me 5 tries doing the same thing before I finally got in to pay the bill. I used my phone to pay the phone bill and that was also messed up. That took several tries to do something I fly through on a normal basis. I needed to change address on Social Security and all I got was "offices closed except for a list of a few services and changing address was not one of them. I called back to speak with an employee and that didn't work either, the line hung up on me.

By the time I finished I was ready to scream! Lucky for me I have a good supply of fresh cold beer and now I am calm and can write this post with a degree of sanity.

Going Back To A Plant Based Diet

The mid-west Sentinel staff has stopped eating red meat or any meat. We are vegetarian now, not Vegan! So, what is the difference? We get our protein with milk, eggs,cheese and fish. It is amazing to me how much better we all feel. There is no bloated feeling that makes a person want to rest after 2 double burgers or a big steak. We can eat and go right back to work feeling fine.

The staff here also starts every morning with a yoga class. This reporter was having dry flaky skin on his lower legs along with leg cramps and foot cramps. That is all gone after 2 months of yoga classes. For you young readers, yoga is for lovers! Increased health and boosted circulation makes wonderful things happen, even for older staff members. This reporter believes yoga is a miracle drug, without having to use a drug. Brain works better too.

Old Memory

This reporter was reminded of a time when he was earning a living working on TV sets some 44 years ago. Besides TV sets we had to climb some towers to repair or replace antennas. I had an old fireman's safety belt, a thick, wide leather belt and a huge steel clasp to lock onto a tower. I went out on a call at a lake resort on a high cliff. The tower was mounted on top the cliff and right near the edge. They had a large antenna perhaps 8 feet long. It was mounted to the tower at the center of its length. It had a pre-amplifier device on it that was mounted at near the back end of the antenna. There I was up a 40 foot high tower on top of a 60 high cliff, hanging backwards over the cliff and lake below with nothing but that safety belt. I had to be that way to reach the pre-amplifier that had been struck by lightening. I climbed a lot of towers back then, but luckily never that one again.

I knew some guys who worked out west installing the towers for then mobile car phones, now cell towers. Out west those towers were 300-400 feet high. Men do some crazy things to earn a living, but that's what a man has to do to support himself and his family.

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