Sunday, March 29, 2020

The Sentinel News 200329

The Sentinel

All the news that's fit to print and some that's not.

Walmart Rules

This reporter has witnessed the growth of Walmart since 1974, 46 years now. That growth has been phenomenal!There is, however, cost that has come from that expansion.

America's small businesses, the mom and pop corner store, hardware store, dry goods store and worst of all the small bakeries. Major retailers are now going down too, Sears, J.C.Penny, Kmart to name a few.

Brick and mortar stores of all types are going under, not every single one, but far too many. Retailers have closed 9,300 stores last year alone. There seems to be no end in sight.

Credit Cards

Ah, the mighty little piece of plastic that has been a boon and a financial disaster for many Americans. Those cards allow a person to buy nearly anything they see and want on a whim.

Instant gratification is what makes us happy, just like alcoholic drinks lighten our load in short order. The insidious horror comes later. The awful hangover the next morning from alcohol can be cured in a reasonable time by two aspirin and a frozen can of orange juice laid up against one's head for a bit. The horror of the credit card comes a month later. All that shopping and swiping that card was so smooth and easy, but all that ease fades when one sees the bill for that shopping and swiping. Once that bill isn't paid off each month on time, the vortex of debt starts. It is minor at first, just make the minimum payment, but the principal borrowed keeps being added along with interest rates that are usury to be kind, predatory to be honest. The horror keeps growing more every month. This reporter has known people with credit card debt that they can never pay down.

Something Good!

Please read this through. This reporter's lovely bride of 56 years and I have started doing yoga for a month plus now and it has changed our lives. We are 74 years old and if we can do this, you can certainly do it too. You young pups are always on your phones and you can find out how to do yoga on your phones and see instructors show you how to do it. You can watch videos and follow along and it's not like some of the gimmicks you see advertised and best of all it is free! We did weight training and walking on treadmills and walking/running tracks but nothing there did as much for us as yoga.

Yoga improves balance and strength and body capabilities. Yoga has been practiced in India for eons and it really works. There are no knee problems like running causes, no equipment needed like sports, you can do it in your home year round. Especially now when fitness centers are closed, what do you have to lose? Your kids can do it too and while you are sequestered at home the kids will enjoy learning something new.

We also meditate at the end of our sessions. Yoga clears your mind and makes meditation easier. Of course you can get information on meditation on the internet and even find guided meditations too. Give it one month and you will see the benefits as we did and it may take you youngsters just 2 weeks to see the wonderful benefits.

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