Tuesday, March 31, 2020

The Real Sentinel News 200331

The Sentinel

All the news that's fit to print and some that's not.

America's Wonderful People

This reporter gives thanks every day to the workers of this country. You may recall that after the dastardly attack on 9/11 police and firemen and medics rushed from all over the country to help out at the shambles left from the twin towers in New York City.

Today we have another situation when New York needs help and nurses along with doctors are flocking back to render assistance to the city on the Hudson River, none other than New York City. These medical professionals are rushing back at great risk to their lives to go into the inferno, the boiling cauldron centered in New York. They didn't have to, but they wanted to do this. I/we salute them for their dedication and their bravery in this massive endeavor!

The U.S. Navy

I am often taken back to my time in the navy during the Vietnam war. We were off the coast with massive firepower that was rarely challenged for when it happened our destroyers made short work of any intrusions. The fleet was always at the ready to attack or defend.

Fast forward to today, our massive fleets are ready to be put into action, but we are only patrolling with small numbers of destroyers in the south China sea and in the Baltic region. Those patrols are being constantly harassed by the countries along those shores. The sailors making those patrols have to be on edge constantly. They are being intruded upon by ships and planes using aggressive and dangerous maneuvers. Anything can happen by a mistake in the aggressor's calculations of how close they can get without collision. There have been many close calls in the China seas area and the Baltic.

Some Notes of the Day

This area's gas stations show $1.44 per gallon, something this reporter thought would never happen again after the past price spikes that raised fuel prices above $4.00 per gallon. There is always good and bad in every situation. This is wonderful for consumers, but the fuel companies must be losing a lot of profits. Looking back though, fuel companies made massive profits on prices far lower than this. Sometimes you get the bear and sometimes the bear gets you.

Tomorrow is April Fool's Day and this is no childish prank; we are in a crisis with no time constraints. The Covid-19 situation is the worst pandemic since the 1918 Spanish Flu epidemic. In sheer numbers of deaths, Covid-19 could possibly be very high, but as far as killing the world's population, the Spanish Flu will continue to be the worst of all time. 50 million people died from that pandemic outbreak. Please be as safe as you can and that means don't get close to other people outside your immediate family in your home. This nightmare will end, just not soon enough.

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