Friday, March 20, 2020

The Sentinel 03202020

The Sentinel

All the news that's fit to print and some that's not.

Markets Dove Again Today

The Dow-Jones index went down 913 points. NASDAC dropped 271 and the S&P slipped 104. At this point it's anyone's guess where the indexes will bottom. The question remains for those in the market, hang on or bailout. I cannot even make a suggestion at this point.

This reporter stated yesterday that the Sentinel had a worldwide circulation. That was a slight overstatement because there are no readers in China, but the rest of the world tunes in and reads the news. This is something that I never dreamed could happen.

Recycle, Re-Purpose or Donate

The headline above is something to do that will make you happy. Most of us living in our consumer-driven economy and society have far more than we can use, but we seem reluctant to shed ourselves of things we have acquired. This reporter was the same way for many years, thinking it could be necessary for this or that at a later date. I had backups for everything and the funny thing is when I needed one of those spares, I had so much stored away that I couldn't find them when I needed them.

Recently along my way I started remembering my navy time. When I went aboard ship, I had nothing but my sea bag and all of that went into a locker 2x2x6 feet and the odd thing was that I was happy. There was nothing else to worry about, except possibly getting killed in an accident up on the flight deck, but these days going down the highway to work can result in tragedy.

Home Burglary

When back in civilian life, Joyce and I had all our stuff and things and every day we went to work I worried that while we were out working hard for things, some a-hole that didn't work would break in and pillage our stuff. My worry was meant to come true and it did. The a-holes came in while we were at work and took anything that could be easily resold. One thing we discovered with filing an insurance claim for losses, our policy only covered half or less what we lost. The reader may want to discuss with her/his agent to find out just what the company will pay on a big loss.

Our losses were costly, but not as bad as it could have been because Joyce happened to be returning from work for lunch the day of the robbery and there was a package hanging from our rural mailbox out at the roadside. She stopped the car at the road to pick up the box. The burglars were in the house. There must have been a lookout that saw her stop at the foot of the driveway because they ran out the back door. The door was still opened wide and rustling in the wind. Had she just pulled up the driveway and stopped by the house she would have trapped them inside and God only knows what may have happened.

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