Thursday, March 19, 2020

Just in case you missed it 200319

The Sentinel

All the news that's fit to print and some that's not.

The Sentinel News is back

In case you have missed the news, there is a reason.

If you remember my post about my UFO abduction. We have moved and are still in the process of settling in.

After the UFO hovered over the other apartment and pulled me up to the saucer I thought it a good thing to move away, hoping they would not be able to find me in our new apartment. That and having to layoff the news staff except for me and our west coast bureau chief Kevin (who by the way sent me a spare internet router and helped me install it via Microsoft team viewer so I could get back online). Now I am back with the news, although it may be slow until everything gets shifted into the right spot in our new home.

At big thanks to those who helped us with the move. We could not have done it alone. I would mention names, but I feel perhaps they, (like most UFO abductees) would not like their names listed in this world wide circulation news source.


Recently being in Walmart (the place we all love and despise at the same time) before the Covid-19 (Corona Virus) cranked up to where it is now. I had been in Walmart and had a lot of people thanking me for my service (I always wear one of my navy caps these days.) The old veterans always recognize the cap and we shake hands. One old timer I do not believe was in service came up and thanked me, which was nice and appreciated, but he then asked me if I was in the Korean war? That killed the mood for me. I was 7 years old then! That was what my grandpa used to call a left-handed-compliment, nice but not so nice. The old man probably didn't see well or at least that's what I am going on even as old as I look these days.

Now it is not even safe to do an elbow greeting instead of a handshake because if that person sneezed or coughed in his/her sleeve yours is contaminated. Also the toe tapping greeting is not safe because germs could get on your shoes and then you get it off your own shoe. The biggest thing is to wash hands frequently and do not touch your face when out. If you buy groceries at a store it is wise to wash again after unloading your groceries at home. This virus can live a long time on different surfaces. One good thing is it doesn't stay on beer cans (I hope.)


When the current pandemic arrived at our shores, people called the Corona virus and I am not sure why. I was okay with that because I never liked Corona beer anyway. When in California I preferred the Dos Equis brand, along with Hamms beer and the best was Big Sky from Montana. I think Hamms is still around, but Big Sky must have been bought out long ago with all the big companies buying smaller ones. Illinois and east of there used to have multiple beer companies, but most of them have vanished west of the Mississippi as far as I know. When we would visit Joyce's uncle Joe in Danville, Illinois he had a bar and he had all the different brands available and I could sample them all. Ah, good times. Joe and Betty were the best party folks of all time.

Another great beer, Rolling Rock is still around east and west of the Mississippi. I never see one of those that I don't think about my old navy buddy Joe Costa from the brotherly city of Philadelphia. He and Dot lived next door to us in Millington. He loved going back to Philly on leave so he and his dad could go to the sons of Italy club there and drink Seagram's 7 with a pony bottle of Rolling Rock back. We had some good times with Joe and Dot and Joe and I did a lot of recording of songs back then. One can never have too much music. Sadly I recorded all of his on cassette tapes for my then stereo and well that age has long passed.

Recorded Music, I remember when recordings were on 33-rpm and 45-rpm vinyl records and we had a lot of them. Then came cassettes and we had them and they went bye-bye to 8-track tapes that also went bye-bye, then we went to CD's and now they are on their way out. Thank goodness for online streaming.

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