Wednesday, March 4, 2020

UFO Incidents 200304

The Sentinel

All the news that's fit to print and some that's not.

UFO Truth.

This reporter just received a book from our west coast bureau chief. The book was written by Doctor J. Allen Hynek, the man who investigated UFO events for the U. S. air force. He was hired because he was not a believer and they hoped he would debunk all of the reports received by the "Project Blue Book" operation. It turned out the doctor became a true believer after his investigations and he even experienced a UFO incident.

Eventually an incident or incidents will happen to prove beyond a doubt that UFOs are interplanetary and we will have to have high hopes that things turn out well. If they do not, we are in a world of hurt.

U.S. Navy and Air Force pilots have found that when chasing UFOs as they approach those flying objects the instruments and weapons systems in our planes shut down. There was also an incident over Tehran when Iranian pilots chased saucers and when they got close their instruments quit and the pilots nearly lost all control and crashed, but once they fell far enough away from the saucers their instruments and controls began working again.

There may be a false flag operation before that and I will leave it at that. I do not mean to be a conspiracy promulgator.

The U.S. Air Force.

UFO investigators since 1947 have bumped into a wall when reports are turned into the air force. The air force is charged with the defense of America's skies from any potential threat. The generals knew that far back that they had no way to defend against these flying objects over our skies. That fact puts them in a bad position, so they chose to deny the existence of flying objects in total. They have gone so far as revising reports that hinted anything other than natural occurrences like swamp gas or radar inversions or comets or planets being mistaken by observers as flying objects even in daytime hours. I ask you how many times have you seen the planet Venus or Neptune in the daytime? How do you explain a planet moving across the sky from horizon to horizon in a matter of seconds? Lower level officers put in charge of the different project studies found out quickly that turning in synopses of UFO incidents that senior officers did not want to hear or see was a good way to stall or even stop their career advancements. So lower ranking officers made the choice to get with the program and send reports that were not truthful, but were rewarding to their personal success in the air force.


There are hundreds of human abductions. Those abductions have been investigated and in all cases they are remarkably similar. The abductees are from all over the country and did not know the others, but their stories come out the same. The abductees are lifted to a ship, prodded, probed while they are paralyzed and can only move their eyes and then they are returned. In many of those cases there are multiple abductions of the same persons.

The logical conclusion is that those persons are being studied, for what is uncertain at this point. There are different thoughts on the reason for this, but nothing is certain at this point. Many of those involved have been found to have foreign objects placed in their bodies afterward. They have some pain from those objects and doctors end up surgically removing those objects.

One thing that seems relevant is the fact that males and females both report incidents involving their genitals. It seems logical that those beings in the flying objects are tinkering with sperm and eggs. The next question is why? My thoughts are the possibility that they want to alter their own genetics or possibly our own genetics. Maybe they want to breed a hybrid human that when they do land on earth to stay their appearance being more human-like would increase their chances of being well received instead of being attacked or shot at. That is anyone's guess.

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