Monday, December 30, 2019

Movies, Books and TV 191230

      I find this to be amazing that things from science fiction books and movies turn out to be developed years and even decades later. I make my case below.

      In the Star Trek TV series from 1967, doctor McCoy had a scanning device he could run past a body and find out what was ailing the person scanned. The CT scanner was developed in 1972.

      The picture below is a CT scanner.

      The Buck Rogers comic books started in 1930. In the series there was a rocket ship used to travel to distant planets. The rocket ship just happened to very similar to the one we used to go to the moon in 1969.

      The 1956 movie "Forbidden Planet" Had a robot that walked, talked and could analyze chemical compounds along with manufacture most anything. The movie also had a device that you could wave a hand over and it would open or close doors. Now we have Amazon Alexa to do that.

      Below is a picture of the robot from 1956.

      In George Orwell's 1948 book titled "1984" society was constantly monitored and at war with other countries and was barraged with political indoctrination. Now we have Alexa in our homes and Alexa monitors everything in our home. Surveillance cameras are everywhere we go. Online social networks monitor us with every posting and then target us with advertisements for goods and politics.

      Below is a picture captured form a movie made later about the book. This is during a mass re-indoctrination.

      Arthur C. Clark's book "The Sentinel" written for a Christmas competition in 1948 and later published in 1951 tells a tale about a space crew on the moon's surface. His descriptions of the surface were remarkably close to what is there.

      Now we have been to the moon, but how many thought that possible in 1948?

Copyright Bill Weber 2006-2019 and beyond.

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