Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Artificial Humans

      When people speak of artificial intelligence these days they are talking about machine learning with computers, but now I am thinking deeper than that.

      Decades ago there was a TV show called "The Six-Million Dollar Man."It was about a man who was nearly killed and the government put him through surgeries and installed super human capabilities in his body. It was all camera tricks back then. However, now doctors and scientists have much more technology and we normal people could some day see super humans being created. I don't know how long it will take for men and women scientists to upload a human brain into a functioning robot, but I think it will happen. There will come a time when doctors can and will outfit humans with robotic legs to run perhaps as fast as 50 miles per hour. Maybe build in body armor or give a mortal man super-human strength.

      I fear potential robot armies that have human engineered brains and indestructible bodies. Once a robot can be programmed with some team of scientists' brain thoughts, the robot may develop its own thoughts and with initial programming become super extremest. Could an angry programmer transmit that anger to a superior robot or half human half robot? What if the programmer was a white supremacist? What could that robot do on a rampage of killing those groups the programmer despised? Would the next thing be killing all humans?

      I understand some group working out of Vietnam is using artificially created avatars who look like real people to spread discontent in the USA. Facebook has shut down 600 accounts so far with seemingly real people expressing their opinions and they are not people at all.

      Artificial intelligence is here to stay and there is no going back at this point. The box has been opened and what came out is impossible to put back in the box. Artificial intelligence is the digital equivalent to the nuclear bomb.

Copyright Bill Weber 2006-2026 and beyond.

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