Friday, December 6, 2019

Military Base Mayhem 191206

      I had another post prepared for today until I saw the news this morning.

      I find this astounding that there have been 19 shootings on military facilities in the last 2 years. There is a palpable irony here that our military, the best the world has ever seen is so vulnerable to an active shooter. It is obvious that military bases with men and women that are highly trained with weapons of all kinds have less defensive firepower in the hands of the military living there than any tiny metropolitan area in the United States. My immediate neighbors and I, when we lived in the country, had more arms in hand than the naval personnel at Pensacola this morning.

      Today in Pensacola naval air training center, Florida a foreign air force member training there went on a rampage of killing and wounding personnel there. Military members on army or navy bases are not allowed to be armed, making them easy targets for terrorists.

      9 years ago an active shooter at Fort Hood Texas killed 13 service members and wounded 30 more. In both instances here no service member was armed and the killings continued until civilian police arrived on scene to stop it.

      Soldiers in Afghanistan or Iraq always travel weapons in hand. I know they are combat zones, but with 19 shootings in the last 2 years in the USA, shouldn't our trained soldiers have more weapons available to defend themselves? Military bases in the USA are becoming combat zones. Would anyone enter a military station in the USA to kill soldiers on a military base if everyone was armed? Maybe some crazy person would do so, but that person wouldn't last very long in his/her killing spree before being taken down.

Copyright Bill Weber 2006-2019 and beyond.

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