Wednesday, November 6, 2019

TV Commercials and Charities 191106

      Not everything is what it purports to be.

      Have you noticed that nearly every commercial product on TV is $19.99 and if you bite, you get another one of whatever for free?

      Every charity I see also asks for $19 to save whatever. Now I have to wonder if a working person bought everything on-line for $19.99 and donated to every charity for $19, would they be able to buy groceries for themselves?

      I have personally donated to more charity operations than I can recall at the moment, but I have discovered that initial donation is never enough and soon after the initial payouts, the mail comes rolling in asking for more.

      One I remember well was the United Way back in the late sixties, early seventies. I not only donated, but also worked on the ground for them. They used to give a person the opportunity to designate where his/her donation went. It turned out that was hogwash. I found out decades later that the executives at United Way were living the high life with lavish parties, hotels and limousines. The United Way sent everything where they wanted, not where I wanted. Part of United Way was the March of Dimes and Joyce went all over the neighborhood collecting for that organization and the March was supposed to accept its take from United Way and leave it at that. After Joyce collected and donated the funds, the March sent out volunteers to collect more. It devastated Joyce, thinking all our neighbors would think she never turned in the money.

      Jerry Lewis collected for Muscular Dystrophy and had telethons promising a cure in the next year for 50 years and guess what happened? Nothing in the way of a cure.

      I may be jaded on this subject, but we gave a lot to charity that seems to have been foolishly frittered away.

Copyright Bill Weber 2006-2019 and beyond.

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