Thursday, November 7, 2019

Suicide 191107

      Suicide is never a good idea. I looked up the 915 area code in the picture below to ensure I was not sending someone to a scam outfit. I did not call the number, but it is an old area code in the El-Paso region. There are places in this area where a person can get help. I was depressed at one point and told my doctor and he asked me if I ever thought about ending things. I told him that I did not, even on my worst day, ever think about that. This is just my effort to try and save someone, somewhere from making a big mistake.

      I spent grade school and high-school with a guy whose father came home one day after work and hung himself in the basement of his home. No one ever knew why it was done. His mother and he had to live with that.

      I know of people who have committed the act and some were decent enough to go out to the barn and blow their brains out with a weapon. At least they didn't spoil the home.

      I again implore anyone who considers this act to seek help first. There are places nearby to help in this area. Though you may not think you should continue living, there are others who value you and would be hurt by the act.

      As I write this as I think perhaps this concept is too dark for my usual posts, but if it helps one person it is worth the effort.

Copyright Bill Weber 2006-2019 and beyond.

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