Sunday, October 20, 2019

Enlightenment Chapter 9 191020

      Be who you are and realize that is the way you should be. What other people think, you cannot control.

      I woke up on a ledge about six feet below where I fell from the roadway. I climbed up and started walking back to where Charity was supposed to pick me up. She rolled up a half hour after I got there. She started telling me how miserable her weekend was and how glad she was that it was over.

      “I’m supposed to have an interview tomorrow but I can’t go without getting my hair done. Can you give me $60 for the beauty parlor Bill?”

      “No I can’t Charity.”

      “But Bill, how am I ever supposed to get a job?

      “Well I don’t know Charity, but you’ll need one if you're going to help Jake support the two of you along with his kids.”

      “Bill, what are you talking about?”

      “I think you know. I hope the two of you are happy together.”

      “You son-of-a-bitch Bill, I don’t even like Jake, he’s your friend!” She slammed on the brakes and pulled off of the road and yelled, “Get out!”

      “Fine,” I said. “I’ll walk, just have you and your shit gone when I get home. And tell Jake the next time I see him, I want the $576 dollars he owes me.”

      “F-you. Just f-you.”

      “No, I think Jake is the one you should be saying that to.”

      “After all I did for you Bill, is this how you are going to treat me?”

      “That’s my line Charity. It hasn’t exactly been fun, but it has been enlightening.” When I got home, she was gone. All of her clothes, her few personal items and quite a few of mine left with her. I thought to myself that part of the growth phase is learning that things aren’t as all important as we think they are.

Copyright Bill Weber 2006-2019 and beyond.

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