Friday, October 18, 2019

Enlightenment Chapter 7 191018

      Thoughts become reality in a marvelous way. Be mindful of your thoughts.

      As soon as I thought of Nirvana, I was there where I had been hours before. She was sitting on some funny pillow with her eyes closed. She seemed to know someone was there; she opened her eyes and slowly scanned the room. I wondered if she knew it was I and why I was there?

      “I wondered if you would show up here Bill.” Her lips didn’t move, but I heard her speak. “You’re in tune with my thoughts Bill, even though I can’t see you.”

      “This is too weird for me. How do you know I’m here when no one else seems to see me and how can I hear words you haven’t spoken?”

      “I told you I’ve learned many things Bill. Now maybe you will begin to learn. Remember when I said you brought me into your life because you needed me?”

      “Yes, but I don’t need this.”

      “Don’t you need this? Don’t you need to see things in a true light?”

      “Nirvana, what I need are answers, not questions. I have enough questions.”

      “I’m offering you the answers Bill. You need only to see them. See them and know that not all things of this world have answers in this world. Some things require the knowledge of one's true self to understand them in this light.”

      “Nirvana, what I need is to get back to what I was this morning and where I was and then go on with my life.”

      “That’s exactly what you don’t need Bill. That’s why you brought me here, to help you climb out of this pit you’ve fallen into.”

      “I don’t know anything about a pit, lady. I just want to get my life back in order.”

      “And you will Bill. It just takes time. Nothing happens in a moment.”

      “This all happened in a moment.”

      “Did it Bill? Think about it. This point in time that you refer to as a moment began all the way back forty years ago when you were in school. You thought people who played pranks on you were just trying to be your friend. Later you thought when your shipmates beat you at cards they were just lucky or better than you. You thought when your reports were jumbled or lost before deadlines that someone was just playing a joke on you. You thought when Charity came into your life that it was just fortune. You thought Jake hung around because he liked you as a friend.”

      “Nirvana, I think I need to go somewhere, back as I was.”

      “You know how to make that happen Bill.”

      “No, I don’t.”

      “You do.”

      “Aw crap, I do not and I’m tired of this game of yours!” In that instant I was somewhere else, but where?

Copyright Bill Weber 2006-2019 and beyond.

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