Monday, August 5, 2019

Walmart 190805

      We shop at Walmart several times a week and because of that we have gotten to know many of the cashiers in our local store.
      As a side note, I wonder if this guy was the idea for the Walmart smiley face logo?

      I found the pictures above on the internet this morning and they made me laugh. I hope you find the humor as I did.
      Back to my original thoughts for this post, the cashiers and employees there. They are all pleasant in our local store, but there is a pattern I have noted. The employees are divided into 2 groups, 1 very young and 2 very mature. I am no psychologist but I see a fundamental difference between the 2 groups. The youth are very happy and friendly. My analysis is that they believe Walmart is just a first step as they go on to bigger and better jobs. The very mature group are subject to frowning and are more reserved. My analysis here is they feel they are stuck there for the rest of their working lives and have no option to go anywhere else. As always, I could be wrong.
Copyright Bill Weber 2006-2019 and beyond.

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