Sunday, August 4, 2019

Death 190804

      It's always difficult to contemplate one's own death.

      We never know how to plan accurately for the twilight years. We could end up penniless, living in our car on a Walmart parking lot with no health insurance. We could go bankrupt and not be able to afford health care. Anything can happen to throw a monkey wrench into one's plans.
      Every time we are on the interstate highway I wonder about a tractor-trailer blowing a tire as I pass it and the piece of tire could hit our car and my reaction could cause me to lose control of the car and crash. We could come up on a crash site and while I slam on the brakes, the guy behind me could plow into me, push me into the accident and crush our car, killing both of us.
      Joyce and I were going to a video store to rent a movie in 1987 and we walked right into a robbery in progress. The robber whirled about and pointed his .44 caliber revolver at us and said "don't move." We could have been killed right on the spot had he been a nervous Nellie and shot us. We were lucky that he was an experienced armed robber and had robbed over 100 stores in that video chain. The police had studied his pattern and were there waiting for him when he left the store.
      I was in the Philippines one time and wanting to stay out of trouble and the temptations of the bar girls there. I grabbed a taxi and told the driver to take me somewhere away from any bar troubles and I would buy his beer while we drank. He took me to a combination late evening grocery store and bar. We were sitting there drinking and talking and I had quite a few beers in me when a beer bottle came whizzing by my ear from behind. I stood and turned around to face my attacker. I had enough to drink that I thought I could take down any Filipino man there. I was ready to go to fist city, when he pulled out a U.S. army .45 caliber hand gun left from World War Two. I still was willing to risk him missing me as those old .45 pistols were not particularly accurate, but my driver grabbed me and ushered me out the door.
      Anything can happen at any time and life is over in a few heartbeats. So far I/we have been lucky, but one never knows when the end may come. I think it is best to live and enjoy every day we have because there is no guarantee tomorrow will come.
Copyright Bill Weber 2006-2019 and beyond.

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