Saturday, August 3, 2019

Health issues 190803

      When we are young, we never think about health care. When we are old, health is a major concern. The picture below is my mom and dad 2 years before he died. At that point he had multiple health problems including congestive heart failure. To see him you might think he was quite old, but he was only 68 years-old.

      Now that I am old and in the twilight of my life I have had health issues. I do not mean to be whining about that because there are a lot of people years younger than me who have more health issues than I do. So how could I complain?
      There are people I know with health issues and life issues with depression, anxiety, rejection and more things than I know. I do feel sorrow for those who have more health problems to deal with than I have. My hope is that God will bless them and give them comfort from their woes.
Copyright Bill Weber 2006-2019 and beyond.

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