Sunday, July 28, 2019

You Tube 190728

      In all the time I have had a personal computer I never paid much attention to You Tube until recently.

      I started searching for an old song "Hey Paula" that I liked back in 1963. I found it and was surprised that it had a video with it. I remember listening to it on the radio, but had never seen the duo that sang it or even knew their names. Well that began to fuel the fire and soon I was looking for all the old songs I could remember and most had videos of the artists, again I had never seen them before.
      Of course once I started going directly to You Tube I discovered for every search the algorithm they use brings up 10 other things related to the search. Soon I was in heaven listening to old songs and seeing the performers. The next thing I discovered was if I went directly to the You Tube home page they also have videos on just about anything from meditation to "Ted Talks" on a vast array of subjects. In the last few weeks I started to run across the old movies from the thirties and forties that I really enjoy.
Copyright Bill Weber 2006-2019 and beyond.

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