Monday, July 29, 2019

Patriotism 190729

      There is talk these days about who is or is not patriotic.

      These days people who question the action of the government are urged to leave the country if they disagree with those running the government. I believe everyone is entitled to his/her own opinion whether they agree or disagree with government policies. The constitution of the United Sates guarantees freedom of speech.
      I ask you to consider the patriots in the Vietnam war. At the highest point there were 500,000 soldiers, sailors, marines and air force men and women fighting in the country of Vietnam. There were a total of 9,087,000 there over the 9 plus years the war went on. Few, if any, wanted to be there. Many were conscripts who wanted no part of being there. Many in the services did not agree with the prosecution of the war. They did not agree with the president and the congress, but who could possibly call them unpatriotic or tell them to leave our country? They did their sworn duty, despite being called baby killers and being spat upon by radicals when they came home.
      I would contend that those who dodged the draft multiple times during the Vietnam war are the ones who were unpatriotic and they are still here today. Many draft dodgers are holding government offices today, side by side with Vietnam veterans. 58,000 young men and women lost their lives along with thousands more whose lives were ruined in a war that should never have been.
Copyright Bill Weber 2006-2019 and beyond.

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