Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Hate 190730

      Hate is a wasted emotion in my book.

      Hate can cause all kinds of mental and physical health problems. We seem to be in a era where so many people hate. Politics and race are contributing to the problem. One of the smart friends I have once said "don't let someone get into your head without them paying the rent." It seems to me that people who succumb to hating are letting the object of their hate live rent free inside their head.
      With politics hate is becoming prevalent. Most of my friends are republicans while I am not. I do not agree with their politics, but I don't let that get to me. I read their posts and then just it go if they don't agree with my beliefs. We are still friends and I respect the person. How simple is that? We are after all country where everyone has the right to speak their voice.
      Our country is becoming divided and that distresses me. Abraham Lincoln's famous quote comes to mind; "a house divided against itself cannot stand." That applied back then and it does today. Let's not let this wonderful nation fail.
Copyright Bill Weber 2006-2019 and beyond.

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