Thursday, July 18, 2019

Names, looks, favorites 190718

      These are my observations on family dynamics, not just mine but from conversations with others also.

      I have found this interesting how names, looks and favorites affect families. Children named at birth after a father, uncle, grandparent seem to act like those they are named after. In my particular case, being named after my grandfather, I am very much like him. A child or grandchild that resembles a woman's husband is favored by her whether or not they act like the husband did. A child not named after a family member usually does not act like the rest of the family. None of this is 100% accurate in all cases, but I find it to be prevalent. The first born child can be the favorite, but not in every case and not in my case. The first born is often not appreciated by his or her siblings. I have many examples of family and extended family where this is true, but I have found my thoughts on this subject to be extended farther out than my particular family.
Copyright Bill Weber 2006-2019 and beyond.

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