Thursday, July 25, 2019

My emergency adventure part 4 recovery and discharge

      Has anyone ever said, "gee I wish I could pee in a cup"?

      At 1030 hours on July 10, 2019 I was back in my room and recovering. The day nurses told me I would be able to go home in a few hours after the anesthesia wore off and I could get up and empty my bladder. I was pretty happy about that. Long about 1500 hours I was handed a urinary capturing device to fill. I could only fill 150 milliliters. After that the nurses brought in a portable sonogram device and scanned my bladder. They measured 650 milliliters still there, so I failed my test to go home. That's when things went very bad. The next thing was a catheter insertion, not fun at all and painful to boot. Now most guys would think it's a dream to have 2 attractive young nurses holding one's man part at one time, however, it was really more of a nightmare. They drained me dry and then removed the catheter, another unpleasant experience. Finally at 2200 hours I was able to get my bladder empty, the patient discharge papers came out and I was on my way home at 2300 hours with my daughter Annie at the wheel of the car. I could look forward to healing and getting on track to normalcy once the holes in my belly healed. What would happen from that point I did not know.
Copyright Bill Weber 2006-2019 and beyond.

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