Friday, July 26, 2019

1984 and more 190726

      I know I have written about George Orwell's 1949 book about the future in 1984. The prophetic book's story has at this point become everything Orwell predicted and more.

      Now with the advent of Facebook, Google, Amazon's Alexa, Google Home, and apps that can turn on your home computer and use your computer's web camera and microphone to watch you and hear you as you scan the internet or if you are just walking and talking to someone in your own home. Alexa is always on and the device records everything you do or say. Google home does the same thing.
      Facebook has allowed everything you do on its site to be shared with any entity who buys its information. Those cute personality profiles many if not all of us have filled out are available to anyone who wants to buy the information. Your Facebook is scanned to learn everything about you and guess what? Every friend you have is also scanned and their habits, personality, even what people eat in a restaurant when to take a picture of their meal and post it on Facebook.
      You may or may not have heard about a company called Cambridge Analytica. It doesn't matter if you have or have not heard about it, but Cambridge knows all about you, where you live, what you think, what you do and through their efforts they affected our 2016 election by influencing voters who were undecided prior to the election to shift their allegiance to the man who won the election. Cambridge was very good at changing people's thinking without them realizing what happened. They did it by postings showing one candidate as hateful, and criminal while showing the other candidate as a savior to our country. Cambridge did their magic not only to the U.S.A. but also to the Brexit movement in the United Kingdom, also in Africa, Malaysia and other European countries in the past decade or more.
      There is an excellent documentary on Netflix titled "The Great Hack" here is the trailer for the great hack. Just watching the trailer tells you a lot you may not have known.
      I suppose everyone knows by now that the National Security Agency (NSA) listens to every phone call made in our country and most of the world. It is a fact and there is nothing to change that. We the people have given up our privacy freely (though we were not aware of doing it) on Facebook, Google and many other internet sites we use. Those sites know us better than we actually know ourselves. The NSA monitoring may have begun earlier than 9/11, but it began to flourish beyond anyone's imagination after 9/11.
      How do we fix this situation we have allowed to happen? I do not know the answer. The cat is out of the bag and left the area. I do not know if there is a way to put the spilled milk back into the bottle.
Copyright Bill Weber 2006-2019 and beyond.

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