Wednesday, July 24, 2019

My emergency adventure part 3 surgery

      Have you ever seen a surgeon who wasn't a very serious person?

      0303 hours a nurse technician came into the room to check my vital signs again and ensure I was okay for surgery preparation starting around 0430 hours.
      0515 hours I was floating down the hallways on my back in my bed. That was a strange experience. I was once quite inebriated long ago and I felt like the bed was moving and spinning, but being sober it was an even more strange feeling. The hallway ceilings had different lighted pictures that would never be noticed if one was just walking. It was like flying and seeing different cloud formations above where I was in the air. We arrived in the pre-op room and I met doctor McElderry, the surgeon who would remove my gall bladder. He, like everyone else asked my full name and date of birth before he continued to explain what he would be doing. He also made me sign or decline the use of blood in case I started to bleed out on the surgical table. I was not too happy with that but accepted it. Next came doctor Woodall and he told me what he was going to do. By that time I was thinking I would be under the knife for half of a day.
      0715 hours or there about (I was under sedation so I am not sure) Doctor McElderry put a tube down my throat to ensure my airway wouldn't close up while he had the camera down my throat. It was weird to think the camera would go from my mouth all the way down to my gallbladder so he could see what he was doing when he cut out my gall bladder. I ended up with 4 holes cut into my abdomen, roughly making a tilted square. The holes were used to put clamps in and do the cutting to remove the bladder. I don't have a clue how they worked all that in in such small holes, but he did it and I suppose he vacuumed out the bladder.
      Next came doctor Woodall to remove the stones from my bile duct. I cannot be absolutely sure it was him because I was under anesthesia. I suppose that too went well. He had told me he might have to put a plastic stint in the duct if it was too deformed from the stones, but I have no idea if he did. I hope he did not because if he did I have to go back in a few months to have that removed and I sure don't want to do that.
      I do not come out of anesthesia quickly, but I do know I was back in my room by 1030 hours that morning, so I think both operations must have been done quickly. And now this leads into part 4 of my adventure, soon to follow.
Copyright Bill Weber 2006-2019 and beyond.

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