Tuesday, July 23, 2019

My emergency adventure part 2 Cathey Louviere

      There are angels on earth, they are called nurses and this part has nurse Cathey in it.

      1903 hours a man from radiology named Louis came into my room and said he was there to take an x-ray of my chest. I said really, another? He looked at me like I was not with the program. He logged into the computer in the room and found my case files there. He said there is no record on the computer; I told him I had 2 chest and 2 belly x-rays just hours earlier. Louis said he would go back to radiology and see if he could find them and if so there was no sense in my having to pay for 2 more x-ray plates. He never came back, so he must have found them somewhere.
      2100 hours nurse Cathey Louviere bounded into my room. She was quite ebullient. There was a radiance about her that took me by surprise. She saw me jotting down a few notes and asked if I was writing in a journal. I replied that I was just taking notes for my blog and I would post them later. She asked where I posted. I told her it was on Google and she asked how she could find it on line. I wrote down the address on paper for her. She spent a few moments loading my IV with antibiotics and then she was gone tending to others in her care for the night.
      2235 hours things got quiet on the floor and nurse Cathey came back in. She had wrapped up her most of her duties and had time to look at a couple of my blog posts. She said that she liked what she had read and we swapped stories in between her making her appointed rounds checking on other patients. I had not slept well or for long Monday night so I started Tuesday somewhat tired and going through the long day of pain, waiting for treatment and with my general misery I was worn out. There must be something else in that shot of fentanyl that went into my IV, because I was still awake at 0130 on Wednesday morning.
Copyright Bill Weber 2006-2019 and beyond.

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