Sunday, July 14, 2019

37th parallel in the US

      I found this to be an interesting story about an Arizona deputy and how he ended up chasing UFO reports and what he found.

      One thing the deputy found was that most of UFO sightings or crashes seem to be mainly along the 37th parallel which the map above shows. The deputy started by investigating cattle mutilations. All across the country the mutilations were the same in that they are surgically cut and organs removed and there is no blood on the ground (which rules out animals killing the cows or hunters) and most of them are along the 37th parallel which also has the important nuclear bases in America. Lately there are government leaks that indicate many UFO sightings are actually secret government aircraft and maybe so today, but that does not account for the sightings in the forties, fifties, sixties, seventies, eighties and nineties. It doesn't account for the UFO crash in Cape Girardeau, Missouri in spring of 1941 or the Roswell crash in 1947 which the original story by the army admitted that it was a space craft before the story changed the next day.

      Story in the New York Post newspaper about the man who chases UFOs.
      Here is a 10 minute video of a TEDx talk by a writer who leads into the Arizona deputy and how the writer became interested in UFOs. The writer in the video believes in UFOs after following stories from people he has interviewed and why you should too. The writer wanted to create fictional books but ended up writing factual books. Two of the non-fiction books he wrote became major motion pictures, one was about the Harvard students that figured out how to beat the game of Blackjack in Vegas and won fortunes, two was about something we all know and love Facebook. I have seen both movies and both were great.

Copyright Bill Weber 2006-2019 and beyond.

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