Saturday, July 13, 2019

A Life of Privilege 190713

      This post is probably not what you may think as you read the title.

      I feel as though I have led a life of privilege, even though I have never been wealthy, never will be. I am not a particularly accomplished man either. I feel that I am living a privileged life because of all the people I have had the pleasure of knowing during my lifetime.
      Between my navy years and subsequent jobs afterward I have known a countless number of good people. I have had some friends for 55 years now and more for 39 years and that is what I think is true privilege. I have had Joyce for 55 years now, my daughter Annie 52 years, nephew Patrick 50 years, son in law Rhett for 18 years, granddaughter Hailey 14 years, sister Marion 59 years and now Kristy (Patrick's girlfriend) for 2 years and I can count on them for anything. They are kind and wonderful to me and I do my best to reciprocate that back to them.
      There are others from my working days that I am still in contact with through Facebook that I consider "actual" friends and still enjoy keeping up with them and I consider it a privilege to know they are still interested in hearing from me as I am hearing from them. I have a niece Gina that I am very fond of and in contact with over Facebook these days and I appreciate that. There are more people in my life that I would like to acknowledge by name, like Jim and Maureen but if I named everyone, this post would become a novella instead of a brief document.
      Of course I have met and worked with people over my lifetime who live in a world of gloom and some that have been downright mean, backstabbing vicious. We all have them in our lifetime and I believe it is best to shed those people like a case of the flu. I think if a person wants to be happy that person needs to avoid others who will try to drag them down into sharing a life of misery. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
Copyright Bill Weber 2006-2019 and beyond.

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