Sunday, June 2, 2019

Hailey's art 190602

      This is Hailey's art that was on display in the Springfield art museum for over a month and until days ago. If You are a regular reader you may remember a similar black and white drawing (picture below) she made a few months ago. I have that one framed on our living room wall. Her mother is having the colorized one framed. This first picture is astounding for a girl in the eighth grade with more talent to be developed in the years ahead.

      This picture below is the original.

      This below was her art when she was just six. You can really see how much she has improved.

      Joyce and I and her parents are very proud of her work. I hope she never stops with her art. I believe she has a real talent.
Copyright Bill Weber 2006-2019 and beyond.

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