Saturday, June 1, 2019

Back in the day 190601

      This picture is me in 2008 when I was afraid the banks were going to fail, so I was burying money in Jars in and around the farm, just in case things went bad. I figured me and my sidearm were more safe than the banks.

      I had a better memory back then and was able to remember where the dough was stashed and I did retrieve it once the danger of bank failures were over. Now my recent memory is not so good so I don't hide money anymore. That said, later on there was one time when I had stashed some of the casino's money I had won and forgot about it. Joyce was not happy when she ran across it when she was in a cleaning frenzy. I was happy because we had enough for a casino run so I could give it all back and a few bucks more.
      We always have a good time at a casino, but as most people know year to year you never come out ahead. It is our best entertainment so we continue to go there when we can afford it, which is not as often as we would like.
Copyright Bill Weber 2006-2019 and beyond.

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