Friday, May 31, 2019

A Funny thing happens when we are out together 190531

      When Joyce and I are out together we are always holding hands. People come up to us out of the blue and say how cute it is that people our age are still holding hands.

      The next question is: "how long have you two been married?" I am at the point now when I keep a running tabulation so I have the correct answer. As of today the answer is 54 years, 5 months and 20 days. That seems to impress them. I never tell them that Joyce's vision is such that outside the home she can't navigate very well. That would spoil the illusion those people have and I really want them to have that illusion and think that it is as wonderful as it is. It is something I enjoy doing. What is so funny to me is the fact that when we were young, out and about she never would hold my hand or show any affection. That was the way she was raised. Now many years later I get to hold her hand all the time and I do enjoy it immensely.
Copyright Bill Weber 2006-2019 and beyond.

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