Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Yesterday 190508

      It was a great day, despite some minor setbacks.

      We started the day at 4:30 in the morning with coffee. At 8 AM we were at the fitness center doing our workouts. Everyone there were all old timers like us and they were all saying good morning. We saw a new friend Max, and old timer from the army in the Korean war and we love to see him because he is a wonderful old man and while he is somewhat feeble now he still manages to walk the track and get his exercise most mornings. We got home and spent the day talking, even though the TV channel was on politics. We had a nice lunch which was more supper than lunch and then continued talking. Our setback occurred when Joyce said, "we didn't pay the rent!" That was just 15 minutes before the office closed, so I had to run out in the rain and drive over to hand out a check for this month. Then I drove back in the rain to continue our conversation. We started drinking after lunch and both of us got let's say somewhat happy. At 7:45 PM Joyce was in bed sleeping and I was starting this post beside her in bed. That was not easy to do in the dark because my keyboard skills are not polished at all as I found out this morning. There were many mistakes for me to fix. I knew there would be, but I wanted to get the post started before the idea left my little brain.
Copyright Bill Weber 2006-2019 and beyond.

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