Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Love 190507

      This is an opinion piece that some may not agree with. It is not all about old people in love, although young people should know love does not end at some preconceived year in life. In my case, love has grown rather than diminished with every year and that is why I have been so lucky. That is not always true in every marriage.

      I have been blessed to have one of the best women who ever lived for 54 years, and 4 months of wedded bliss. She is the daughter of a wonderful woman and she had a wonderful grandmother.
      This brings me to a point where I have to wonder how parents of a gay son or lesbian daughter can dispossess a son or daughter just because the son or daughter is not what they believe is normal. That son or daughter is still their own child.
       I remember once with my own daughter telling her "I will always love you, but at the moment I don't like you so much." I have told my daughter's daughter (then 12 at the time and not doing anything I did not agree with) "I will always love you, but there may be times when I don't like you so much." I think the most important thing in life is to tell children that you will always love them, no matter what.
      Loving a child is in my mind the most basic thing in humanity. Now there may come a time when a child that is headlong charging to destroy a family or is endangering the safety of the family, that is to me where a line needs to be drawn and expel the child from the home, but you still love them and need to be willing to take them back when that behavior ends. There may be other examples that evade me at the moment.
Copyright Bill Weber 2006-2019 and beyond.

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