Saturday, May 11, 2019

What is going on? 190511

      I am having a difficult time understanding all of the school violence these days. When I was a lad, a difference that reached a point of violence was settled after school a short distance away from the school. I never won the fight, but the difference was settled then and there. Afterward life went on as it should. The chart below shows locations where teens have been killed or injured due to school shootings from January 1 to May 8 of this year.

      I find this unacceptable. I can't imagine having to train children and teens on what to do when a killer enters their school classrooms. I can't imagine any teacher I ever had packing a sidearm. Teachers don't fit the bill for gun play, if they did they could become policemen and make more money.
I am having a difficult time       
Copyright Bill Weber 2006-2019 and beyond.

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