Sunday, May 12, 2019

Strange things happening 190512

      I have noticed something at Walmart recently.

      We are there every other day at least. When we get there the parking lot is plentiful with vehicles, but when we go inside there are less people than there are cars. It doesn't matter when we are there, the story is the same. Overnight the cars are all gone by seven the next morning. This gives me cause for concern.
      Think about this for a moment. I know that often times only one person will be there in one car. But even then there are less people in the store. When we are there we see all the cars up close to the store and most that get out of the car are in groups, old couples, mothers with kids, but the numbers still don't add up.
      I am beginning to wonder if there is some sinister event here? Let's just throw this out for a moment. Suppose that Walmart employees (underpaid as they are) are abducting young people, mothers and children and mid life people who still look good and then they are selling them on the black market. If that isn't bad enough, they are selling the cars and trucks to chop shops for extra cash. I can't say that is true, but I can't say it is not. So far Joyce and I have not been touched there, but then we are old and would't be able to be sold for much and our six year-old car is not worth much either,
Copyright Bill Weber 2006-2019 and beyond.

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