Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Now is the time to love each other 190529

      It's never too soon, to tell someone you love them.

      But often it may be too late to tell someone how much you love them.

      I fear we may be headed for World War Three in a short time. I pray that I am wrong. Nuclear missiles could soon take to the air bringing death and destruction across the globe. Few if any areas would be left unscathed. Those not killed immediately would end up having a slow painful death instead of a quick death before we even know what happened.
      The man in the picture below has studied nuclear war for 35 years. Here is a link to his TED talk video. You only need to watch the first 5 minutes or so to get a good idea of what will happen if or when a nuclear war breaks out.

      If and or when this happens it will be too late to tell friends and family how much we love and appreciate them in our lives.
      There is no known way to change the future, but what I can do is live my life in happiness and joy. I can eat, drink, laugh and be happy, for tomorrow I may die. I say crack open a beer, make love and live life to the fullest!
      I may sound like a hippie (which I never was before.) I suppose I am almost 60 years late to the party, but if not now, when?
      I hope that I am wrong in my assessment, my views of what the near future may bring. Either way, what time I have left will be living on the bright side of life and not cowering in the dark.
Copyright Bill Weber 2006-2019 and beyond.

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