Monday, May 6, 2019

Moving 190506

      Some people stay too long in the same place. There are many reasons why they do that. I think every reason is different. That is not to say that if one is happy where they are, that they should move. The point is if times change, conditions change or one is unhappy where they are then they should move.

      I believe that staying in one place too long makes a person old, moving keeps a person young. Of course there comes a time when there are no more moves due to health or inability to move. We were on the farm for 27 years, but times and health and energy changed and we just got too old to take care of everything.
      We have moved 21 times in our married lifetime so far. I would go so far as to say that we have had a lot of experience in moving. We have moved with as little an amount that it all fit into a compact car. we have moved across country using a huge moving van line truck and we have moved using a UHAUL 20 foot long truck. I have moved by myself more times than I can easily recount hauling nothing but a navy sea bag. Every experience has been different and all were filled with excitement.
      When we moved to a different area, we never knew what we would find there or how the whole move would work out. That is part of the excitement and the adventure. Some have been good and some didn't work out so well, but that's all in the game.
Copyright Bill Weber 2006-2019 and beyond.

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