Sunday, May 5, 2019

Cooking naked? 190505

      Disclaimer: the accompanying picture here is not Joyce.

      We were up by 4:30 this morning and had an entire pot of coffee when I asked Joyce if she would like our usual breakfast of cereal. She replied that she would like to fix some bacon, eggs and potatoes if that was okay. My answer was, sure sounds good. Joyce then said she was going to prepare that before she got dressed. Me trying to be silly, I said, okay if you're going to cook naked, I'll watch. Joyce's retort was, "I learned a long time ago, never cook bacon naked; there's too much splatter." Once again my lovely wife bested me with her wit and charm. She's still got it! By the way she did have her pajamas on.
      The idea for this came to me after our verbal exchange. I thought I needed a picture to go along with this post, so I went to google search and typed in "cooking naked" and was shocked, there were thousands of pictures of men and women cooking naked. I had no idea there would be any at all.
Copyright Bill Weber 2006-2019 and beyond.

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