Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Vietnam and its results (more than just the actual war) 190416

      There is a lot more in this post than just the war. I have an idea of why the war started, although it seemed to me it was not the best idea that ever came down the pike. After all the Japanese failed to control the entire country in WW-2. The Chinese couldn't do it. The French could not control the country. Why did the USA politicians think they could do it?

      AT the end of World War Two, soldiers came home to a proud nation with parades and celebrations. At the end of Vietnam, soldiers came home to jeers of, "baby killers" and many were spat upon by draft dodgers. That is saddening to me because they were doing the job they had sworn an oath to fulfill. They fought on in a war that Johnson and Nixon prolonged even when they knew there was no chance of winning the way our soldiers were directed to engage the enemy. As far as I know and I could be wrong, but the navy and air force most likely killed more people than the army did. The carpet bombing, the naval gunfire from offshore and dropping of napalm and agent orange seems to me like that had to have taken more lives.
      A lot of American lives were lost (58,000) and there's no way to tell what those men and women may have done in their lives had they lived. They died while the draft dodgers had had a good life and some of them are now running our country. Sometimes, and this is one of them, there seems to be no justice in this world.
      The soldiers that came home from World War Two came home, went to schools and universities and made America the world leader in manufacturing, finance, innovation, lifestyle and wonderful family life. Now that the draft dodgers are running the country, well manufacturing has declined. With finance, the country is in so much debt we may never climb out. Innovation is still part of our country, but China is leading the way. Every electronic product we have has come from China. Lifestyle, family life, think about this, we are living today when family and friends get together to sit in silence while each individual scans their cell phones. People drive down the interstate highways while looking at their phones and texting other people who may be driving and reading those texts. I too am guilty of spending too much time on Facebook or UTUBE or writing to you right now, but I do not have a houseful of guests or family.
      Mental breakdowns are now the norm rather than the exception. There have always been bullies in schools, but at least they were few in my school days, now they are many. Teens today don't have to go to school to find a bully, they are online and lashing out on other teens in their own homes.
      When I was in the navy, the captain of the ship was responsible for what happened aboard his ship and that worked. Today the draft dodgers are at the helm of our ship of state and for any number of reasons they do not accept responsibility and the ship's rudder has no quartermaster. We are adrift in a massive storm, with no end in sight.
Copyright Bill Weber 2019 and beyond.

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