Monday, April 15, 2019

How my lifetime has rolled out 190415

      I used to think of time on earth as a lifetime in years when it seems to me now that it is really a lifetime of minutes.

      Minutes in time have shaped and determined how I have lived my life through lessons learned one minute at a time. Mistakes made during a moment in time taught me to avoid what I did wrong. One moment when I met Joyce, my life changed forever. It took two minutes to raise my right hand and swear an oath to defend my country and enlist in the navy. It took one minute to see my baby girl and fall in love while the nurse counted her fingers and toes (they were tiny). It only takes a minute to lose a hand or an arm or end a life in a machinery accident. I have seen a truck lose control in a moment and roll over on a highway. It takes a minute for a tornado to destroy everything a person has earned in a lifetime.
      Funny thing about my life, people have shown up in a moment of time that I knew I did not want in my life and even after they are no longer on the scene, they never fully go away because they are still in my memories. There have been some I have enjoyed on a limited basis, a few minutes here and there. There have been some I wanted to be a part of my life, but they follow their own way and are gone forever.Then there are the ones whom I love and hope to have them with me every minute of my lifetime.
      There are minutes when I make my life what it is and other times when something has been thrust upon me that I cannot walk away from and live with myself. Those are two things when responsibility for my actions come into play. In those instances I accept the responsibility because it is in my mind the right thing to do.
      I have always felt that no one does things that they know are truly wrong, but I have met those who can convince themselves that a foul act they commit is actually the right thing for them to do.
      I believe any day is a good day to change bad or irresponsible behavior. I am working on that now. I am not a perfect being. I am striving to get there, but I don't think anyone has ever gotten there so far. All I can do is realize and accept that everyone else has that same goal in mind.
Copyright Bill Weber 2019 and beyond.

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