Saturday, April 27, 2019

This morning

      As soon as I woke up this morning.

       I did not think would it be a good one.
      We went to the laundromat and I somehow lost the coin purse with $10 and more quarters in it.
      We stopped at Walmart and at the checkout register, the register malfunctioned. We had a long delay waiting for someone to clear things up.
      We stopped to renew our lease and found the rent has been raised $50 a month,
      We stopped at the mailbox on the way home and there was a big insurance bill in there.
      I got home, plugged in the chord to recharge the battery on my laptop computer and then tripped over it minutes later.
      I am now going into hiding for the rest of the day.
      I am dangerous to myself and the public at large. I suppose I was lucky to get home safely and have no plan to venture out and test my luck or lack there of for the rest of the day.

Copyright Bill Weber 2019 and beyond.

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