Sunday, April 28, 2019

The year 2011 190428

      I wrote this at the end of 2011 and just found it in my archive files today. Oddly enough, for a lot of blue-collar working people things haven't changed much, if at all. Not much if anything is better for those of us retired.

      The Year 2011

The country was in turmoil last year
Many have lived in constant fear
Jobs were still hard to find
People sought peace of mind
They looked for happiness here and there
They reached out everywhere
Charities acted like donors didn’t care
It was just the fact that money wasn’t there
People worried over how to put food on the table
In many cases they were not able
Children missed many meals
They lived in houses set on wheels
Is this still the land of the free?
Is this what our future will be?
Will there come a time when I’m not able?
Will I be bereft to fill my table?
Many are at that point already
Many need a job that’s steady

      I pray that things will change for them.

      Copyright Bill Weber 2019 and beyond.

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