Friday, April 26, 2019

Consider this 190426

      I watched a UTUBE video last night and this made me think about my life.

      Suppose you wake up one morning and things seem different. Your spouse in your bed is not the one you went to sleep with the night before. You go downstairs to make coffee and the seemingly new spouse comes into the kitchen and begins to talk to you like you have been together for 10 years. He/she knows everything about your history. The children come onto the kitchen and say good morning dad/mom and they too know all about you.
      You decide to go to your family physician and he/she says you are in good health. You then go to a psychiatrist and there too he/she says you are perfectly normal. You are alone in your knowledge that something is very wrong here. What is your next step?
      Some people have claimed that they have found themselves in this position and they believe they slipped into a different dimension. Before you dismiss this possibility, consider this.
      Every time you make a major change in your life, your life changes forever. I made a dramatic change when I enlisted in the navy and that changed my life forever. Joyce and I have made those changes and they too made everything different. We went to California for 10 years and that made a difference in our life and thinking. We moved back to Missouri partly for me to fulfill my long time desire to have a small farm and to be able to assist our aging parents and that shifted our whole reality. The next question is when we shifted to a different dimension in our lives, did our former selves continue on in the dimension that we left? That is possible despite what we consider to be true. It would seem that there are many more dimensions than those we recognize, those that are the 3 we believe in at the moment.
      I can't say for sure whether one thought is true and the other is not. I do believe and have believed in different dimensions long before last night. What you believe is on you and what I believe is on me. Either of us could be correct or both of us could be entirely wrong. I am just presenting a possibility here.
Copyright Bill Weber 2019 and beyond.

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