Sunday, April 7, 2019

Panspermia 1904

      Is it just me or does the word panspermia sound like a dirty word? It is not, but I sure sounds dirty. It is defined as, the hypothesis that life exists throughout the universe distributed by space dust, meteoroids, asteroids, comets and planetoids.

      That could be true; I don't know. That leads to another question; if true, how did the space dust get here to earth with life when there was none after the big bang because the big bang was so hot nothing could survive?
      When I was 18, I thought I knew all the answers to everything. Now decades later, I realize I know very little. I think now I realize that there is more, much more that exists in the world that is unknown than what we do know. There is a quote that I love; it goes like this, "the wise man knows what he doesn't know". Think about that; how many people do you know that spout answers to everything and when you listen to them you realize they have no clue to what they talk about?
Copyright Bill Weber 2019 and beyond.

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